Introduce the challenge teams will be working on while setting the stage for trust and collaboration.
Participants in a Design Jam typically have different experiences and expertise. This tool will help teams leverage this diversity by structuring team introductions. Once the challenge is revealed, it will also help to set expectations and roles within the team.
Gather your team in the designated work space and get a copy of the challenge.
Kickstart a round of basic introductions. Ask each team member to take a minute each to share their name, work experience and their motivation for joining the Jam.
Introduce and agree on team roles:
Emphasise that individual team roles can shift throughout the Jam and that prior experience is not essential to fulfilling them. Everyone is encouraged to contribute throughout, so all participants can gain new skills while leveraging their existing capabilities. While those assigned to team roles are responsible for the corresponding tasks, they should always aim to collaborate with others to get these tasks done.
Remind the participants that all perspectives and comments are welcome. Explain the importance of getting your point across while listening to other people's opinions. In team discussions, emphasise the importance of turn-taking.
Discuss the challenge as a team. If the brief was produced by business stakeholders who are present, ask them to present the challenge.
This tool and any associated downloadable assets are provided under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike CC BY-SA 4.0 International License.Preparation 10 mins
Delivery 15 mins
Preparation 5 mins
Delivery 60 mins
Preparation 5 mins
Delivery 20 mins